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Cookies Policy

Last Updated: 01.01. 2023

1. Introduction

Financial Fraud Recovery (“we,” “our,” or “us”) is committed to safeguarding the privacy and security of every visitor and user of our website located at www.financial-fraud-recovery.net (“Website”). This Cookies Policy elucidates the manner in which we employ cookies and analogous technologies to augment the user experience, personalize content and advertising, uphold the security integrity of our Website, and gather analytical data to continuously enhance our online offerings.
In the ever-evolving digital landscape, maintaining the privacy and security of our users is paramount. We recognize the intrinsic value of privacy and are resolute in our efforts to uphold the highest standards of data protection. Our use of cookies is designed to be transparent, ethical, and user-centric. The ensuing details in this policy document are structured to provide comprehensive insights, fostering an environment of trust and informed choices for all our esteemed users.
We prioritize the adherence to legal frameworks and industry best practices. As such, this policy has been meticulously crafted to align with pertinent legal regulations, ensuring robust data protection and privacy for our users. It is integral for users to review this policy and understand how cookies are used to enhance their navigation and interaction with our Website.
In extending this introduction, we want to emphasize our dedication not only to compliance with legal standards but to fostering an environment of transparency, control, and respect for all our visitors. We endeavor to offer clear choices to users about the data being collected and stored during their visit and ensure that the utility and safety of our Website remain uncompromised. We continuously evaluate our cookies and data management protocols to ensure they epitomize the apogee of user privacy and digital security.

2. Consent

By continuing to browse or use our Website, you acknowledge and agree to the placement and use of cookies and similar tracking technologies as detailed in this Cookies Policy. This acceptance signifies an informed, explicit, and unambiguous agreement to process your data through these technologies for specified purposes.

We adhere to a standard of explicit consent, ensuring our users are provided with clear, accessible, and comprehensive information regarding the use of cookies. Before cookies are placed, users are prompted with an option to either accept or decline them. Consent is not deemed as granted by default or silence; it is an act of affirmative action by the user indicating their voluntary agreement to the use of cookies as per the outlined policy.

2.1 Methods of Obtaining Consent

A consent banner or pop-up is deployed at the initial visit to our Website, presenting users with summarized information regarding cookie usage, and options to accept, decline, or access more detailed information. Users can also customize their preferences to select which categories of cookies they wish to allow.

2.2 Withdrawal of Consent

Users retain the right to withdraw consent at any time, easily and promptly, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal. Users can manage their cookies preferences through the settings feature on our Website or directly via their browser settings.

2.3 Renewal of Consent

We revalidate consent periodically to ensure that users are still in agreement with our cookies usage. An automatic prompt will be presented to users after a specified period, requesting them to renew their consent or update their cookies preferences.

2.4 Record of Consent

We maintain a record of users’ consents, including the date, time, and manner in which consent was granted. This ensures accountability and compliance with regulatory requirements, demonstrating our commitment to respecting users’ choices and privacy preferences.

3. What Are Cookies

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer, smartphone, tablet, or other devices when you visit a website, including our Website. They contain information that is transferred to your device’s hard drive and is sent back to the website during subsequent visits, or to another website that recognizes the cookie.

3.1 Purpose and Functionality

Cookies play a pivotal role in enhancing the efficiency and performance of websites. They help in remembering user preferences, user ID, and other selections, making the browsing experience more personalized and user-friendly. Cookies can also be instrumental in monitoring and analyzing user behavior, which aids in optimizing the website’s structure, content, and overall user experience.

3.2 Categories of Cookies

3.2.1 First-Party Cookies

These are issued from the website being visited by the user. They often serve the purpose of remembering login details and providing a personalized user experience.

3.2.2 Third-Party Cookies

Issued from a domain other than the one being visited, these cookies are used for cross-site tracking, retargeting, and ad-serving.

3.2.3 Persistent Cookies

These cookies remain on the user’s device for a set period of time specified in the cookie. They are activated each time the user visits the website that created that particular cookie.

3.2.4 Session Cookies

These cookies are temporary and expire once the web browser is closed. They are not stored permanently on the user’s device.

3.3 Cookies and Personal Data

While cookies are not programs and cannot carry viruses or install malware, they can involve the processing of personal data. Some cookies process personal data to perform their tasks, while others do it to a very limited extent. Our utilization of cookies ensures the anonymity of our users wherever possible.

3.4 Risks and Protections

We are acutely aware of privacy concerns that may arise due to the misuse of cookies. We have thus instituted stringent measures to mitigate risks, ensuring that the deployment of cookies on our Website aligns with legal and ethical standards, safeguarding user privacy.

4. Types of Cookies We Use

We deploy various types of cookies to optimize the functionality, security, and user experience of our Website. Each cookie has a distinct role and is designed to enhance specific aspects of user interaction and engagement. Below, we offer an exhaustive exploration of the categories and specific cookies we use.

4.1 Essential Cookies

4.1.1 Authentication Cookies

These are pivotal in identifying and verifying users, ensuring that access is granted to authenticated visitors, thus maintaining the security and privacy of user accounts.

4.1.2 Security Cookies

Security cookies aid in the detection and prevention of security threats, ensuring that our Website remains a safe environment for users and their data.

4.1.3 Session Management Cookies

These are used to maintain users’ sessions, ensuring that their interactions and data during a browsing session are stored temporarily for consistent performance.


user_session: Stores session data ensuring consistent navigation and functionality during the user’s visit.

4.2 Analytical Cookies

4.2.1 Performance Monitoring Cookies

These cookies gather data on how users interact with our Website, including page loading times, error messages, and user engagement metrics.

4.2.2 Traffic Source Tracking Cookies

We use these cookies to identify how users arrived at our Website, allowing us to evaluate the effectiveness of different traffic sources.


ga: Used by Google Analytics to track user interactions and gather statistical data for analysis.

4.1 Essential Cookies

4.1.1 Authentication Cookies

These are pivotal in identifying and verifying users, ensuring that access is granted to authenticated visitors, thus maintaining the security and privacy of user accounts.

4.1.2 Security Cookies

Security cookies aid in the detection and prevention of security threats, ensuring that our Website remains a safe environment for users and their data.

4.1.3 Session Management Cookies

These are used to maintain users’ sessions, ensuring that their interactions and data during a browsing session are stored temporarily for consistent performance.


user_session: Stores session data ensuring consistent navigation and functionality during the user’s visit.

4.3 Functional Cookies

4.3.1 Preference Cookies

Preference cookies store user-selected preferences, such as language, region, and other customizable elements, to provide a personalized browsing experience.

4.3.2 Multimedia Cookies

These cookies are used to store user preferences for multimedia content, ensuring optimal loading times and performance.


video_pref: Stores user preferences for video playback settings.

4.4 Advertising Cookies

4.4.1 Targeting Cookies

These cookies track users’ online activity and preferences to serve tailored advertisements that are aligned with their interests.

4.4.2 Conversion Tracking Cookies

We use these cookies to track users’ interactions with our advertisements, assessing the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns.


ad_track: Tracks user interactions with advertisements and assesses conversion rates.

4.5 Social Media Cookies

4.5.1 Integration Cookies

These cookies enable the seamless integration of social media features on our Website, allowing users to easily share content.

4.5.2 Analytics Cookies

We utilize these cookies to track user engagement with our social media content, providing insights to optimize our social media strategy.


fb_pixel: Used by Facebook to track user interactions with social media content and ads.

4.6 Duration and Control

Each cookie has a specific lifespan and can be controlled individually. Users have the autonomy to manage cookies, including deletion and disabling future cookie storage.

4.6.1 Persistent Cookies

These cookies have a fixed expiry date and remain stored on the user’s device until deleted manually or expired.

4.6.2 Session Cookies

Session cookies are automatically deleted when the user closes their web browser, ensuring no persistent storage of session data.

4.7 Review and Update

We regularly review and update the cookies we use to ensure they are necessary, secure, and optimized for our users’ experience. Our users are encouraged to periodically review this section to stay informed on any updates.

5. Third-party Cookies

We acknowledge that an enriched user experience often involves integrating functionalities and features provided by third parties. In light of this, our Website incorporates third-party services that may use cookies and similar technologies to collect and store information, facilitate certain features, and enhance user interaction.

5.1 Nature and Purpose

5.1.1 Analytics and Performance Cookies

Third-party analytics cookies help us understand how users engage with our Website. They collect data on users’ behavior, pages visited, and other analytical information. We use these insights to optimize our Website and improve user experience.


Google Analytics’ cookies track user activity, generating detailed statistics and data on website traffic and interaction.

5.1.2 Marketing and Advertising Cookies

These cookies are employed to deliver personalized advertising content based on users’ browsing habits and preferences. They enable targeted advertising, ad performance measurement, and marketing effectiveness assessment.


Facebook’s advertising cookies track users’ behavior to deliver personalized ads and measure ad performance.

5.2 Consent and Control

While third-party cookies enhance website functionality and user experience, we respect our users’ autonomy in managing their online privacy. Users are informed about the use of third-party cookies and have options to control their activation and operation.

5.2.1 Notification

Users are notified of third-party cookies through our cookie banner and are directed to this policy for detailed information on their nature, purpose, and privacy implications.

5.2.2 Preferences Management

Users can manage third-party cookie preferences directly through our Website or by modifying their browser settings to block or restrict such cookies.

5.3 Third-party Privacy Policies

Each third party adheres to its own privacy policy. We encourage users to review these policies to understand how their information is collected, used, and protected.

5.3.1 Transparency

We strive to provide transparency about third-party service providers engaged with our Website, offering users access to their respective privacy policies and practices.

5.3.2 Responsibility

While we are committed to partnering with reputable third-party providers, we are not responsible for their privacy practices and data handling. Users are advised to review third-party privacy policies to ensure informed consent and decision-making.

5.4 Review and Assessment

We regularly evaluate and assess third-party cookies to ensure they align with our privacy standards, legal requirements, and user expectations.

5.4.1 Assessment Criteria

Our assessment encompasses the privacy practices, security measures, and data handling protocols of third-party service providers.

5.4.2 Updates and Modifications

We reserve the right to update our third-party cookies usage based on periodic assessments, evolving privacy standards, and legal requirements. Users will be notified of significant changes, ensuring informed consent.

6. Managing Cookies

Understanding and controlling how cookies are used on your device is crucial to your online privacy. We have instituted mechanisms to ensure that users have the power to manage, control, and make informed decisions about the cookies deployed on our Website.

6.1 Browser Settings

6.1.1 Modification

Users can modify their browser settings to manage cookies. This includes blocking all or specific cookies and deleting cookies that have already been stored on the device.

6.1.2 Guidance

We provide guidance and instructions on how to navigate through the cookie settings on various browsers, empowering users to tailor their preferences.

6.2 Tools and Plugins

6.2.1 Utilization

We recognize the role of tools and plugins in enhancing the ease of managing cookies. Users can utilize these tools to get notifications on cookie placements, accept, or decline them.

6.2.2 Recommendations

We recommend reputable tools and plugins that users can deploy to enhance their control over cookies, ensuring their online privacy is uncompromised.

6.3 Cookies Preferences on Our Website

6.3.1 Customization

Our Website is equipped with features that allow users to customize their cookies preferences directly, selecting the categories of cookies they want to enable or disable.

6.3.2 Accessibility

We ensure that the cookies preferences feature is easily accessible, user-friendly, and provides an instant effect on the user’s choices.

6.4 Education and Awareness

6.4.1 Resources

We are committed to educating our users on the implications, benefits, and management of cookies. We provide resources, articles, and guides to enhance user awareness.

6.4.2 Queries and Assistance

Our dedicated team is available to address queries, provide assistance, and offer clarifications on cookies management, reiterating our commitment to user privacy and control.

6.5 Consent Review

6.5.1 Periodic Revalidation

Users will be prompted to review and revalidate their cookies consent periodically, ensuring their preferences are current and reflective of their choices.

6.5.2 Updates Notification

In the event of significant updates or changes in our cookies use, users will be notified to review and update their consent, fostering informed and conscious decision-making.

7. Cookies Duration

The duration that cookies remain on your device can vary greatly depending upon their purpose, function, and the preferences you’ve established. Herein, we elaborate on the lifespan of different categories of cookies and our specific practices aimed at upholding an optimal balance between user experience enhancement and privacy protection.

7.1 Session Cookies

7.1.1 Lifespan

Session cookies are designed to be ephemeral; they are automatically eliminated from your device when you close your browser. These cookies play a crucial role in facilitating specific functionalities during a single browsing session.

7.1.2 Renewal

These cookies are renewed with each session, ensuring that the data pertinent to each visit is distinct and not carried over between sessions unless necessary for functionality like shopping carts or user authentication.

7.2 Persistent Cookies

7.2.1 Expiry Period

Persistent cookies have a predetermined expiry period, which can range from a few days to several years, depending on their function. These cookies will remain on your device until they reach their expiry date or are manually deleted.

7.2.2 Review Process

We regularly review the duration of our persistent cookies to ensure they are only retained for as long as necessary to fulfill their purposes. We’re committed to minimizing the duration to enhance privacy while ensuring functionality.

7.3 Duration Management

7.3.1 User Control

Users have full control over the duration of cookies on their devices. They can manually delete cookies at any time through their browser settings, irrespective of the cookie’s original expiry date.

7.3.2 Customization

In some instances, users can customize the lifespan of certain cookies according to their preferences through features available on our Website.

7.4 Adjustments and Updates

7.4.1 Changes in Duration

We may, from time to time, adjust the duration of our cookies to better align with legal, technical, and operational requirements and considerations.

7.4.2 Notification of Changes

Users will be informed of significant adjustments to cookies’ duration, ensuring transparency and affording users the opportunity to review and modify their preferences accordingly.

7.5 Duration by Cookie Type

7.5.1 Analytical Cookies

These typically have varied durations, with some being session-based to collect real-time data, while others are persistent to track long-term trends.

7.5.2 Functional Cookies

The duration of functional cookies is often extended to remember user preferences over a longer term, enhancing the user experience in subsequent visits.

7.5.3 Advertising Cookies

These may remain for an extended period to track users’ browsing habits and preferences, facilitating targeted advertising over time.

8. Updates to This Policy

We recognize the dynamic nature of technology, digital communication, and legislative frameworks surrounding online privacy. To this end, we remain committed to ensuring that our Cookies Policy is both contemporary and compliant with prevailing standards and regulations.

8.1 Frequency of Updates

8.1.1 Regular Review

We undertake regular reviews of this Cookies Policy to incorporate changes in technology, legal requirements, and our operational processes. The intent is to ensure it remains accurate, transparent, and user-centric.

8.1.2 Event-Triggered Review

In addition to scheduled reviews, certain events, such as the introduction of new cookies, third-party integrations, or significant amendments to data protection laws, may prompt an immediate review and update of this policy.

8.2 Nature of Updates

8.2.1 Minor Adjustments

Occasionally, minor adjustments, aimed at enhancing clarity, rectifying errors, or updating contact information, may be made without explicit notification to users. Users are, however, encouraged to periodically review this policy.

8.2.2 Major Revisions

Significant revisions that affect the way we use, manage, or disclose cookies information will be communicated to users through prominent notifications on our Website or direct communications to ensure informed consent.

8.3 User Engagement

8.3.1 Feedback Mechanisms

We value user feedback and insights in refining our Cookies Policy. Mechanisms are in place to facilitate user feedback, ensuring a participative approach in policy enhancement.

8.3.2 User Education

With each update, we endeavor to educate our users on the implications, empowering them to make informed decisions regarding their cookies preferences and privacy settings.

8.4 Archival and Accessibility

8.4.1 Previous Versions

For transparency and reference, previous versions of this Cookies Policy will be archived and made accessible, ensuring users can review historical changes.

8.4.2 User Accessibility

We are committed to ensuring that updates to this policy are communicated in a clear, accessible manner, with user-friendly language to enhance understanding and engagement.

8.5 Legal Compliance

8.5.1 Regulatory Alignment

Every update is crafted to ensure alignment with legal and regulatory requirements, reinforcing our commitment to lawful, ethical, and transparent operations.

8.5.2 Expert Consultation

We engage legal and data protection experts during each update to ensure comprehensive compliance and the incorporation of best practices in data privacy and cookies management.

9. Contact Us

We prioritize open communication and engagement with our users. For any inquiries, clarifications, or feedback regarding this Cookies Policy, our use of cookies, or your privacy rights, you can reach us through various communication channels. We are committed to prompt, transparent, and comprehensive responses.

9.1 Communication Channels

9.1.1 Email

For written communication or detailed inquiries, please reach out to our dedicated email address:

  • Email: support@financialfraudrecovery.com

9.1.2 Phone

For immediate assistance or verbal communication, contact our customer service team at:

  • Phone:442037693502

9.1.3 Physical Mail

Send us letters or documentation to our official mailing address:

  • Address: London,UK Walbrook Building 25 Walbrook, EC4N 8AF

9.1.4 Social Media

Interact with us, follow updates, and send direct messages via our official social media platforms:

  • Twitter: @FFRecovery
  • Facebook: Financial Fraud Recovery

9.2 Response Time

9.2.1 Commitment

We are committed to responding to all inquiries and feedback within a stipulated timeframe, ensuring each user receives personalized attention.

9.2.2 Escalation

For urgent matters or if you are unsatisfied with a response, escalation protocols are in place to ensure that your concerns are addressed promptly and effectively.

9.3 Privacy Concerns

9.3.1 Data Privacy Officer

For specific concerns regarding privacy and data protection, contact our Data Privacy Officer directly at privacy@financialfraudrecovery.com.

9.3.2 Data Protection Authorities

We adhere to the regulations and guidance of data protection authorities and are open to facilitation and collaboration in addressing any privacy-related complaints or inquiries.

9.4 User Feedback

9.4.1 Feedback Mechanisms

We value user feedback on our Cookies Policy and practices. We encourage users to utilize available mechanisms to share insights, recommendations, or complaints.

9.4.2 Policy Improvement

Our support team is equipped to communicate in multiple languages to ensure that language barriers do not impede effective communication and support.

9.5.2 Translation Requests

If you require this Cookies Policy or any communication in a specific language, please let us know. We’ll strive to provide translations or interpretations to meet your needs.

10. Governing Law

The interpretation, enforcement, and any disputes arising out of this Cookies Policy are governed by the laws and regulations of the jurisdiction where Financial Fraud Recovery is domiciled. We are committed to ensuring that our practices adhere to legal standards and that the rights of our users are upheld.

10.1 Jurisdiction

10.1.1 Specific Jurisdiction

This Cookies Policy is crafted in accordance with the laws. Any disputes or claims associated with this policy will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts.

10.1.2 International Users

For users accessing our Website from outside the specified jurisdiction, local laws and regulations regarding cookies and online privacy may apply. We strive to respect international legal standards and encourage users to understand their rights under their respective local laws.

10.2 Legal Compliance

10.2.1 Adherence to Laws

Financial Fraud Recovery operates with strict adherence to legal requirements pertaining to data protection, privacy, and cookies usage to foster a safe, transparent, and accountable online environment.

10.2.2 Updates and Adaptations

Our practices and this Cookies Policy are continuously reviewed and updated to align with legislative amendments, regulatory updates, and evolving legal interpretations.

10.3 Dispute Resolution

10.3.1 Mediation and Arbitration

We advocate for the resolution of disputes arising out of or in connection with this Cookies Policy through amicable means such as mediation or arbitration before resorting to litigation.

10.3.2 User Engagement

Open communication with users is prioritized to understand, address, and resolve concerns or disputes related to cookies and privacy in a timely and respectful manner.

10.4 Legal Resources

10.4.1 Accessibility

We provide accessible resources, including the full text of this Cookies Policy and related legal documents, to ensure users are informed and can exercise their rights effectively.

10.4.2 Legal Assistance

Users requiring clarifications, legal interpretations, or assistance regarding this policy can reach out to our legal department or seek independent legal advice.

10.5 International Data Transfers

10.5.1 Compliance

Where international data transfers are involved, we comply with applicable legal frameworks governing cross-border data transfers to ensure user data is protected.

10.5.2 Safeguard Mechanisms

Implementing safeguard mechanisms, including standard contractual clauses and adherence to international data protection agreements, ensures the security and privacy of user data during cross-border transfers.

11. Annex: Detailed List of Cookies

For enhanced transparency and user awareness, we provide a detailed list of cookies used on our Website. This annex outlines each cookie’s specific purpose, category, duration, and related information to empower users with comprehensive insights to make informed decisions on their cookies preferences.

11.1 Essential Cookies

11.1.1 session_id

  • Purpose: Used to maintain an anonymous user session by the server.
  • Type: Session
  • Duration: Expires after the browser is closed

11.1.2 auth_token

  • Purpose: Retains user authentication status throughout the session.
  • Type: Persistent
  • Duration: 30 days

11.2 Analytical Cookies

11.2.1 ga

  • Purpose: Collects data on how visitors use the Website, used to compile reports and help improve the site.
  • Type: Persistent
  • Duration: 2 years
  • Provider: Google Analytics

11.2.2 _gid

  • Purpose: Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website.
  • Type: Session
  • Duration: 24 hours
  • Provider: Google Analytics

11.3 Functional Cookies

11.3.1 lang

  • Purpose: Remembers the user’s selected language version of a website.
  • Type: Session
  • Duration: Expires after the browser is closed.

11.3.2 theme

  • Purpose: Stores user’s preference for the website’s theme (light/dark).
  • Type: Persistent
  • Duration: 1 year

11.4 Advertising Cookies

11.4.1 ad_id

  • Purpose: Used to serve users with advertisements that are relevant to their preferences.
  • Type: Persistent
  • Duration: 90 days
  • Provider: Ad Provider

11.4.2 tracking_pixel

  • Purpose: Collects data on users’ behavior and interaction with ads to measure ad effectiveness.
  • Type: Session
  • Duration: Expires after the browser is closed.
  • Provider: Ad Provider

11.5 Social Media Cookies

11.5.1 fbp

  • Purpose: Used by Facebook to deliver a range of advertising products, such as real-time bidding from third-party advertisers.
  • Type: Persistent
  • Duration: 3 months
  • Provider: Facebook

11.5.2 twitter_sess

  • Purpose: Maintains the user’s log-in status to the Twitter social media site.
  • Type: Session
  • Duration: Expires after the browser is closed.
  • Provider: Twitter

11.6 User Control and Management

We empower users to control and manage the usage of cookies directly from their browser settings or through our Website’s preference settings. Users can block, allow, or limit the type and duration of cookies for enhanced privacy and a personalized browsing experience.

11.7 Updates and Review

This detailed list of cookies will be periodically updated to reflect any additions, modifications, or removals of cookies to ensure continued transparency, compliance, and user awareness.

12. Conclusion

We recognize the critical role that a clear, comprehensive, and user-friendly Cookies Policy plays in fostering transparency, trust, and enhanced user experience. Financial Fraud Recovery is deeply committed to upholding these tenets, ensuring that every user’s interaction with our Website is characterized by respect for their privacy, choices, and online safety.

12.1 Key Takeaways

12.1.1 User Empowerment

Our Cookies Policy is crafted to empower users with insights, controls, and choices concerning the types of cookies deployed, their purposes, and the means to manage their preferences effectively.

12.1.2 Legal and Ethical Adherence

We align our cookies usage with legal, ethical, and industry standards, emphasizing compliance with data protection laws, user consent protocols, and privacy preservation.

12.2 Continuous Improvement

12.2.1 Feedback Integration

We value the insights and feedback from our users and stakeholders. Their input is integral to the ongoing refinement of our Cookies Policy, ensuring it remains responsive to user needs and expectations.

12.2.2 Technological Advancements

As technology evolves, so does our approach to utilizing cookies to enhance user experience. We are committed to adopting innovative, secure, and user-friendly solutions.

12.3 Our Commitment

12.3.1 Transparency

Financial Fraud Recovery remains steadfast in its commitment to transparency, ensuring that users are well-informed about our cookies usage and have accessible means to manage their preferences.

12.3.2 Privacy Safeguard

The privacy and security of user data are paramount. Our Cookies Policy is a testament to our unwavering commitment to safeguarding user privacy while delivering exceptional online experiences.

12.4 Final Remarks

In conclusion, this Cookies Policy serves as a comprehensive guide for our users to understand the intricacies of cookies usage on our Website, offering clarity on their rights, choices, and our practices. We encourage every user to review this policy periodically and reach out to us with any inquiries, concerns, or feedback. Together, we aim to foster an online environment marked by trust, transparency, and mutual respect.

End of Cookies Policy Document